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Contact us with your own stories at - unexplainableuk@mail.com
Would love to hear things regarding our next three shows -,,
Haunted Houses,
Demonic Possesion, and
Psychadelic Experiences.
or send us anything interesting!
Next episode in 2 weeks!
A few things relevant to Weird Tales and the Unexplainable #6 - Sleep Paralysis.
Channel 4 Documentary -
The documenary we play a section of on the show, (regarding the sexual assault), is available to watch in it's entirety on YouTube.
The NHS (National Health Service) page we refer to on the episode, with the medical description for sleep paralysis.
Sleep Paralysis Room -
The Reddit post Bob read on the show about the same sleep paralysis experiences occuring in one particular room.
St. Briavels -
We talk for a while about this apparently haunted castle that is available to stay in, including instances of sleep paralysis happening in certain rooms, among other things.
Some information about the rooms on this page, with information about visiting it (if you dare?) -
The Nightmare -
Our recommendation of the week, though we have yet to watch it ourselves.
Documentary film on the topic of sleep paralysis, mentioned by Arman during our talk with him.
IMDB page -
Trailer below